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Nachshon Meiran

The lab of emotional awareness and instructions translation to action

Toy Brain


Faculty member at Ben Gurion University, Department of Psychology


Tel-Aviv University 1986-1994


Bar-Ilan University  1981-1985

B.A, Psychology (major) and philosophy (minor).

The questions on which we focus include  


How do feelings emerge? Emotion has many components, one of which is our awareness of our emotional state – what we would report if asked how does something make us feel? We are trying to decipher the underlying processes which lead to this awareness. In our studies, we employ perceptual decision models such as Signal Detection Theory and Evidence Accumulation. At present, we describe the process by gradual accumulation of evidence until the amount of evidence reaches report/awareness threshold. In these studies, we employ behavioral modeling, and EEG recording.



How do we translate online instructions to action? Team online task performance happens in medical operations, sports, etc., and probably happened when our ancestors hunted in groups. This mode of collaboration requires that participants instruct one another on the fly. We ask how instructions, i.e., declarative information, is immediately and efficiently translated into procedural knowledge and action. To address this question we employ cognitive behavioral methods as well as EEG.


Tel. 123-456-7890

Fax. 123-456-7890

500 Terry Francois Street, 
San Francisco, CA 94158




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Ben Gurion university, beer sheva, Bldg. 98 Room 107  |  Tel: +972-8-6472051

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